Grouped blog of charjotechies, created to amaze everybody young or old, rich or poor.......

Sibalom, VI, Philippines
Group Members: Alimar "the assailant" Gorteo Justine "the just" Unica Lora Mae "the lovely" Infante Richelle "the rich" Diana Luz Remedios "the linkable" Mariano Leolissa "the light" Aleon

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Insights...

   Taking up educational technology is quite difficult to handle with. but today as we are living on a modernized world we must be a computer literate persons. We as  the future teachers of the Philippine Republic must have a high understanding about technology so that we could be knowledgeable enough for our students. In addition as i had taken Educational Technology 2 I have sweet moments to cherished before I leave the subject Educational Technology 2.....

Insights By: Alimar G. Gorteo
                   BEEd 3A

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